QW Monthly

The Queer Writer: October 2023

This October, you know what's scary? Only 17% of eligible people in the US got the last Covid booster in 2022. But now there's a brand new, updated booster available, so let's get those numbers up. Get your boo-ster shot!

The Queer Writer: September 2023

For the first-year anniversary, I'm finally expanding this newsletter's goals with something I've always wanted to offer: an advice column on all things literary, appropriately named Queeries!

The Queer Writer: August 2023

We're starting this one off with some exciting news! Since the beginning of the year, I've been working with GrubStreet, the creative writing nonprofit of Boston, to bring you our first annual Be Queer, Write Books: LGBTQ+ Literary Festival!

The Queer Writer: July 2023

If last month was Pride, then this month is Wrath. Go ahead and feel angry about all that's happening to our various communities. Anger is a helpful way to fuel the fires we need to create change, but it can also poison us if we don't keep it in check.